nuclear review answers

 1. 14. 1 7. 4 10. 2 13. 3 16. 4 
 2. 3 5. 1 8. 1 11. 3 14. 3 17. 3
 3. 1 6. 4 9.4 12. 2 15. 3 18. 2


19. fission, some mass is converted into energy,  fusion

20. 42He  21. radiation can change the structure of dna causing cancer

22. Calcium and radium both have 2 valence electrons

23. ZnS acts as a scintillator

24. ZnS is insoluble in water

25. radium causes cancer

26. 226Ra ----> 222Rn + 4He    atomic numbers should be 88,86,2

27. radium and calcium both have 2 valence electrons

28 1600 yrs     1 g to 0.5 g is only 1 half life, look up in table N