bonding review answers

1. 4 9. 2 17. 1  25. 4
 2. 2 10. 4 18. 3 26. 3
 3. 3 11. 2 19. 4 27. 3
 4. 3 12. 4 20. 3 28. 4
 5. 4 13. 3 21. 1 29. 3
 6. 3 14. 3 22. 1 30. 1
 7. 1 15. 2 23. 4 31. 4
 8. 3 16. 2 24. 2 32. 4








33. Ca +2  the O should have 8 dots

H-Br:   the Br should have 6 dots

O=C=O  each O should have 4 dots


35. CCl4 is a nonpolar molecule because it has symmetrical distribution of charge

36. Ammonia is a polar molecule CCl4 is non polar, polar molecules have stronger imf's than non polar molecules

37. KCl has ionic bonds molecules A, B and C have covalent bonds

38. Napthalene sublimes because it has weak imf's

39. Non polar molecules don't dissolve in polar water

40. 128 is twice the mass of C5H4 so the molecular formula is C10H8

41. Ca:      42.  :Cl: the Cl should have 7 dots     43.  Ca+2   2[:Cl:] -1 each Cl gets 8 dots

44. covalent

45. low melting point is caused by weak attractive forces between particles

46. non conductors do not contain mobile charges

47. sulfur (they both will have 18 electrons)

48. carbon dioxide has symmetrical charge distribution which makes it non polar

49. the C-O bond has a greater difference in electronegativity than a F-F bond